Dividend Research To Separate Safe Dividends from Risky Ones
Research Catered to the Dividend Investor
Dividend Research
Sometimes you just want to know a little bit more about a stock. In the past, that meant you had to pull up Yahoo! Finance, Google Finance, or try to find more information at your broker. Now, you can find all the information you need right on TrackYourDividends.
Front and Center you will see the key statistics every dividend investors want to know:
- Dividend Yield
- Annual Payment
See Our Proprietary Scores
Quickly Judge Key Investment Factors
TYD Dividend Safety Score:
This is TrackYourDividends’ proprietary measure of a company’s likelihood to continue to pay and grow its dividend in the future. Good companies that you can buy and hold forever are the cornerstone to a strong dividend portfolio.
Learn About Dividend Safety
optionDash’s Proprietary Stock Scoring System – Learn More
Value Score
Multiple valuation ratios combined to measure a company’s current market value compared to the rest of the market and its historical trading value
Quality Score
A unique combination of bankruptcy indicators to evaluate the fundamental health of a company
Trend Score
Trend or Momentum is more commonly used in short-term trading strategies. However, factoring it into your initial investments or reinvestment purchases can help you time your decisions more correctly.