Chronim Investments is excited to announce that we recently purchased We are delighted to have the opportunity to work with you.
One of our goals is to continually improve so that it offers the utmost use to you. We have already improved its functionality and will continue to make it an increasingly powerful and efficient tool.
We would also like to make sure you know a little more about who we are. Chronim Investments is a Registered Investment Advisor based in Dallas, TX. We opened our doors in September of 2002. The cornerstone of our business, and what we are most known for, is an investment strategy called the Snider Investment Method®, which we offer through Snider Advisors.
The primary objective of the Snider Method is to generate income. Although dividends a play a role in our strategy, we also use options, specifically covered calls, to generate consistent monthly income.
We look forward to helping you become a better investor as you track the performance of your dividend portfolio.