
TrackYourDividends Top 10 Stocks: 3/31/2022

These are the most popular dividend stocks owned by TrackYourDividends investors as of March 31, 2022. Other “honorable mention” dividend stocks with greater than 10% ownership include MO, TSLA, MMM, VOO, XOM, PEP, VTI, AMZN, PFE, DIS, JPM, and PG. Besides a current snapshot of popular dividend stocks, we also cover historically great dividend paying…

What are Qualified Dividends?

As an investor, understanding what qualified dividends are and how they’re different from ordinary dividends can be crucial to your success. In addition to playing a central role in increasing the ROI of your investment, this knowledge can potentially save you thousands of dollars on your tax bill.

What is Diversification and Why it Matters to You

When it comes to investing, there is no question that diversification goes a long way to help you manage risk. It can be from several angles, but a simple and effective way is to start with sector diversification. With sector diversification, you reduce your risk by investing in stocks and securities in different industry sectors. You can further diversify by investing in multiple companies within each sector.