
Best Dividend Yield for Your Money

Investors who wish to use their portfolios to generate income will frequently make purchases of stock in order to earn the dividend yield that the stock pays. Typically, when making purchases in this manner, the investor will be interested in a few different metrics regarding the holding’s dividend payments. Some of these metrics will be…

TrackYourDividends Top 10 Stocks: 3/31/2023

These are the most popular dividend stocks owned by TrackYourDividends‘ investors as of March 31, 2023. Other “honorable mention” dividend stocks with greater than 10% ownership include MO, VZ, VOO, TSLA, QYLD, MMM, PEP, and VTI. Besides a current snapshot of popular dividend stocks, we also cover historically great dividend paying companies. Check our lists from the Dividend…

TrackYourDividends Top 10 Stocks: 9/30/2022

These are the most popular dividend stocks owned by TrackYourDividends investors as of September 30, 2022. Other “honorable mention” dividend stocks with greater than 10% ownership include QYLD, VZ, TSLA, VOO, MMM, VTI, JPM, JEPI, XOM, and PEP. Besides a current snapshot of popular dividend stocks, we also cover historically great dividend paying companies. Check…

TrackYourDividends Top 10 Stocks: 6/30/2022

These are the most popular dividend stocks owned by TrackYourDividends investors as of June 30, 2022. Other “honorable mention” dividend stocks with greater than 10% ownership include VZ, MO, TSLA, MMM, VOO, XOM, PEP, VTI, JPM, PFE, DIS, SBUX, and JEPI. Besides a current snapshot of popular dividend stocks, we also cover historically great dividend…