Here at TrackYourDividends, we strive to keep our users up to date regarding the holdings contained in their accounts. One area where many brokers fall short is with dividend alerts, dividend notifications, and dividend announcements.
One of the most popular features of TrackYourDividends is our dividend alert emails, which you can utilize to gain valuable information on upcoming dividend payments for each of your positions ahead of an event (such as a dividend ex-date or dividend payment date).
Our user can enable an dividend notification emails for dividend declared, dividend paid, and ex-dividend dates (sent 1 day early). Staying informed about dividend announcements allow you to reinvest payments quickly or put funds to work before the next dividend payment. Sadly, may brokers don’t have the capability to send dividend alerts.
To get started, create an account at TrackYourDividends and add your investments manually or automatically by linking your account. Once set up, users can customize or these dividend alert emails by clicking on the icon on the top right corner of the screen.
Under the “Profile & account” you will find our dividend Notifications section.
There are three different types of dividend alert emails available:
Dividend Declared Alert – A dividend has been declared by a holding you own. Available for all users.
Dividend Payment Alert – A dividend has been paid to a holding. Premium Members Only
Dividend Ex-date Notification – A dividend notification is sent the day before the ex-dividend date. Premium Members Only
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The dividend payment alert allows you to go to your brokerage account which contains the holding and confirm the payment that you have received. At this point you can reinvest the payment or distribute the funds.
The ex-dividend date notification interests many investors who are looking to purchase more shares of a holding in time to receive the next dividend payment. With the receipt of the notification the day before the ex-dividend date, you can decide if the dividend being paid is worth the purchase, or if the holding is at a price point that you are comfortable reinvesting at.
One final note to be aware of: the dividend notifications will only be received for holdings that you own in your account and have uploaded into TrackYourDividends. Any holdings that you are only monitoring on your watchlist, but do not actually own in your account, will not receive dividend alerts.
Our dividend notifications represent one of several tools that we offer to help our clients stay informed about their holdings. Of course, we are always open to suggestions from you on how we can improve our website. If you have any suggestions for further notifications or any other features you would like to see added, please feel free to submit them at [email protected]. You can test TrackYourDividends with a 7-day free trial of our premium subscription!