Knowledge Base

How to connect TrackYourDividends to Ally Invest via Plaid

The link between Ally and Plaid requires an extra step on the Ally website, please see the steps below to complete the connection between Ally and TrackYourDividends.

  1. Log in to your Ally account
  2. In the menu bar, navigate to Tools > Ally Invest API > Manage Applications, or click here:
  3. Click ‘Create a new application
  4. Choose make a ‘Personal Application.’ and Fill out all the fields, then click ‘Create.’
  5. Return to ‘Manage Applications
  6. Locate the app you just created under ‘Developer Applications,‘ and expand it to see all the details. You can keep this page open or save the long strings of letters and numbers for use when linking your account to TrackYourDividends.

Return to TrackYourDividends to link your Ally account through Plaid.

In addition to the username and password, the Plaid popup will request special API tokens from Ally. Copy and paste the CONSUMER KEY, CONSUMER SECRET, OAUTH TOKEN, and OAUTH TOKEN SECRET when prompted through the Plaid set up.