YES! Users of Track Your Dividends can link their bank or brokerage account(s) to the website by using Plaid. Your account will automatically update each night. You can link your account via the following steps:
1. After logging into TYD, you will be directed to the Dashboard screen. At the top of the screen, select the link to “Add account.”
2. This will bring up a dialog box to add your new account. You will enter an account name and the currency for the account (either U.S. or Canadian Dollars). Lastly, you will select Automatic Update at the bottom.
3. After clicking the “Add Account” button, you will be asked to select your bank or brokerage from a Plaid popup. A search tool is provided for you as you type in the name.
4 . Upon selecting the correct firm, you will be asked to enter your username and password for the bank/brokerage. Two-factor authentication (such as a security code) may also be needed, depending on the requirements of the firm.
5. Logging in successfully will then display all of the accounts that are held at the firm under that username. Select the accounts that you wish to add to TYD.
6. The account will then link to TYD. If it is completed successfully, you will receive a notification and will be given a link to return to the Dashboard.
7. The Dashboard will now display the account and all of the holdings that are held within. You should review the information just to confirm that it looks correct. If there is some portion of the holdings that looks incorrect, please let us know and we will look into it immediately.
Helpful Hints:
– We recommend linking accounts outside of market hours. Oftentimes, brokers shut down these connections in busy times to reduce the strain on their servers.
– You will need to repeat the process for each of your accounts at the linked broker.
– If you have login problems at your broker, we’ve had some success turning off two-factor authentication, linking an account, and then turning it back on once the account is connected. It shouldn’t impact an existing link, and the account will update automatically moving forward.
– Free users are limited to one Plaid account. Premium subscribers can add an unlimited number of accounts.
– Not all brokers are supported by Plaid, but the list continually grows. Check back regularly if your broker isn’t listed.
If your account is not compatible with Plaid, you can create Manual accounts to Track Your Dividends.